Friday, May 7, 2010

New York!

DH and I were in New York last fall. Naturally I had to find a fabric store. A New York quilt has been on my list since then. I wanted to do a small wall hanging. It's not turning out that way. That's because I also wanted the fabric designs to show so ended up cutting the blocks bigger. I guess it will be a lap quilt. It's not finished - obviously.
This will be the border. I'm happy to report that the Divas attended a Mark Lipinski talk last week during the Quilt Canada proceedings and Mark agrees with me that anything looks good in a fabulous border! I think this is going to be a pretty cool border. I wanted to get the classic checker cab motif AND a sort of night light effect - I think the cab thing is pretty obvious, but the yellow is also meant to be those lights that flash on and off to give the illusion of movement.
Here's the fabric.

Now if you've got this far - a bit more on Mark and the Quilt Canada show. Mark is a very funny, gay dude. He had me in tears, I was laughing so hard. I have to say that I don't think I really learned too much about actual quilting - but it was worth the $25 for the sheer entertainment value of his "talk" - which is more like a stand-up comedy routine. Back at one of the quilt stores I heard that at least one person was offended by his talk - so if you do go to hear him be prepared. I certainly wasn't offended and I got the sense that not too many in the room were.
The Quilt Canada show quilts were amazing. No pix - they had rules about pix and I didn't want to be carted off to the quilters' jail (no sewing allowed). I surprised myself by not buying much at all - although the Divas did stock up on thread for Harley - which will be put to good use soon enough. I think I'm saturated and need to work on some of the great stuff I already have.

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